Ignition switches

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1071 S
1275 Cooper S
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Ignition switches

Post by 1071 S »

I pulled the ignition switch out of my 1071 today and it looks like its probably the original - dated 8/63 which would seem right for a 10/63 build.

Does anyone know what's connected to the pins marked "1", "2" and "3" ??

And, how do I change the key barrel?

Cheers, Ian
1275 Cooper S
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Re: Ignition switches

Post by guru_1071 »


1 = white/red - solonoid

2 = white - ignition on

3 = brown/blue - live feed

to change the barrel you depress the little 'pip' that you can see in the side with a tiny screwdriver and the barrel will slide out - you need the key in it
please note, these are my own, individual sales, nothing whatsoever to do with my employer, minispares
1071 S
1275 Cooper S
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Re: Ignition switches

Post by 1071 S »

Thanks Guru, I shall have to look more carefully at the wires. I think they're original and each looks the same as its covered by a white (ish) braid.

I was guessing that 1 was the power feed because its in line with the key slot before its turned.

And, unfortunately, there is no pip - although there is a hole where one may have been; I will explore further..

ta ever so
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