Maniflow exhaust....

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1275 Cooper S
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Maniflow exhaust....

Post by tedmcedd »

i bought a full maniflow twinbox centre exit exhaust yesterday, including the manifold and all the clamps and brackets...

first up, the manifold to gearbox bracket.... it doesnt seem to fit.... should i just put a bolt through and bend it to the right angle??



next up, the backbox...

I had an RC40 on before, so i know the bobbins are in the wrong place, I need to drill so i can mount them on the front of the subframe yes? however, if I do that... there is no way that the rear hanger is going to reach the rubber mount on the subframe...



do i just move this further down onto the link pipe??


lastly, this may be a stupid thing to say, but im guessing that the silencer in the link pipe goes toward the back, or it wouldnt clear the gear linkage?? :?


1275 Cooper S
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Re: Maniflow exhaust....

Post by InimiaD »

Yes, the silencer in the link pipe points to the rear box.
The bracket on the downpipe looks to be too low and should really be above the bend if my memory serves me correctly.
The downpipe looks too close to the gearbox bracket. The bracket should be for the Rod Change boxes and have a 3 bolt fixing,but on saying that the bracket supplied should be correct for your application.
As for the back mountings you'll have to dry fit the complete system to see where the mounts line up or don't.
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1275 Cooper S
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Re: Maniflow exhaust....

Post by Pandora »

I've never managed to fit a mini system without having to modify the mounts in the vice, and usually making some from scratch!

I have an impressive collection of 3mm x 25mm flat bar hooks and flat brackets in my toolbox which have been made to siut over the years. The worst was my van - just no clearence where the manifold went into the system for some reason.

Just get the whole thing sitting as close as you can and either make or modify the mounts to suit. Then change them again to get rid of the dirling vibration noises that will inevitably occur.......

I usually loosly fit the front of the system to the manifold, then the rear most one, before pushing the middle mount on the front of the rear subframe up into position (use a jack) then tightening / twising everything into place
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Re: Maniflow exhaust....

Post by Smiffy »

I usually end up chucking the original bracket and bolting it straight to the diff casing, using a slightly longer bolt.
1275 Cooper S
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Re: Maniflow exhaust....

Post by tedmcedd »

hahaa! fair enough!! i think i'll give that bar off the manifold a twist in the vice then that should hold it nicely...

the bracket off the back of the backbox that is meant to go on the rear subframe rubber, does that have to be from the rear of the backbox or can it be slid down onto the link pipe...?

1275 Cooper S
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Re: Maniflow exhaust....

Post by InimiaD »

Can't see any reason why you can't move the bracket further along until it lines up with the mounting.
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