So ok you're gonna say 'you're checking it too late in the day' and you would be right..
But i am just fitting up my nice newly repaired & painted shell and it appears the the skin on the new heritage door is too far forward..the upshot of that is when the door handle goes on and through to the lock the alignment is just out such that the door handle in on and not clear of the door boss.....bol(6£&s i thought..
Any suggestion other that welding up the escutcheon holes and repositioning?.?
Looking at the holes in the skin and how close the escutcheon boses are to the edge of the escutcheon theres only a couple of mm to play with before the forward hole would become visible as the whole thing is moved back to get the correct slignment..but its the first thing to try to see if it gives enough clearance...after that im stuffed i think... a mate has suggested fitting a quarter UJ in the handle bar...sounds mad but might work!!
The sq bar goes through and into the lock box ok but the slight misalignment there kicks the handle in towards the skin...hence no room to get the boss in! £750 for a new door and you have this to put up with...wish I'd spent £700 refurbing the old ones OR tried the locks before prepping and painting