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Flywheel taper woe's

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:25 am
by Chalkie
Morning guys

Sorry to be a Pain again.

Brought a Flywheel ages ago now come round to having my rotating assembly balanced the engineer said I need to clean the taper on the flywheel up but I have done this before and done it again this morning but it still looks crap to me is this fly wheel scrap?



Re: Flywheel taper woe's

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:35 am
grinding paste and some furious lapping should sort that out

as long as both surfaces can be made to go a uniform flat grey colour you are sorted

the one on my race car was a LOT worse than that last time it came off!!!

Re: Flywheel taper woe's

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:37 am
by mk1
It certainly doesn't look great. However, all is not lost.

It looks like you have a couple of serious high spots. Get these removed first, using a die grinder or similar "Dremmel" type tool. Once these serious high spots are clear, lap the flywheel onto the crank using first coarse grinding paste then fine grinding paste & if you are feeling particularly conscientious then with Brasso (I never bother with this last stage.

As long as there aren't any serious high spots left & the VAST majority of the remaining surface has taken some "grind" you should be OK.

The mistake you made was buying a second hand flywheel. People only sell them when they think they are knackered.

Re: Flywheel taper woe's

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:44 pm
by Chalkie
I may just buy a New one to be fair

I have given it ago at cleaning it up just worried ill ruin the taper