Brought a Flywheel ages ago now come round to having my rotating assembly balanced the engineer said I need to clean the taper on the flywheel up but I have done this before and done it again this morning but it still looks crap to me is this fly wheel scrap?
It certainly doesn't look great. However, all is not lost.
It looks like you have a couple of serious high spots. Get these removed first, using a die grinder or similar "Dremmel" type tool. Once these serious high spots are clear, lap the flywheel onto the crank using first coarse grinding paste then fine grinding paste & if you are feeling particularly conscientious then with Brasso (I never bother with this last stage.
As long as there aren't any serious high spots left & the VAST majority of the remaining surface has taken some "grind" you should be OK.
The mistake you made was buying a second hand flywheel. People only sell them when they think they are knackered.