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Mk1 Door repair, rain channel

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 6:16 am
by austinseven7
Would anyone know if you can buy a replacement horizontal channel that sits under the chrome sliding window trim.
It looks like part of the door structure, but wonder if anyone has reproduced this part as a repair panel. Has holes that drains water into a channel then leads water out the end of the door.
Austin Seven early 1960. Cheers

Re: Mk1 Door repair, rain channel

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:11 am
by Dr S
Yes you can, m machine do them, think they are about a tenner.

Re: Mk1 Door repair, rain channel

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:59 pm
by dklawson
My car is later with the tubes that drain via the vertical tubes that exit the bottom of the door. I didn't want to completely replace the ones in my car's doors since the rust perforations were not too terrible. Instead I sandblasted, acid washed, and applied epoxy filler followed by POR-15. That sealed all the holes and seems to be holding up well after a decade. However, my car only sees rain and water a few times a year.