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Ideas for a front number plate hanger

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:36 pm
by rolesyboy
Hi, Having bought some B&W raised digit plates and thinking I will pop them on as a ten minute job as ever there is an obstacle. The raised digits align perfectly where I need to drill my beautifully centred new number plates ie where you fix them to the front panel brackets. As a solution I thought I would add a number plate backing panel but the front number plate hanger I have has a raised edge. This will clash with my bevel/raised edge raised digit number plates so i cant screw it down without pulling the b'strd thing in. Pah!
Anybody know of somewhere that sells a flat backing plate. Happy to get one made but a lot of fannying around by the time i cut, dril and paint it and I TBH would prefer to get one off the shelf. Do any other cars have something similar if not.

Re: Ideas for a front number plate hanger

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:02 pm
by morris cooper
Just put a spacer or some washers between your new plate and the backing plate to avoid crushing the number plate,

Re: Ideas for a front number plate hanger

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:39 pm
by rolesyboy
Thanks Bill. Have considered that but really looking for something a bit more substantial ie a ready finished flat plate

Re: Ideas for a front number plate hanger

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:58 pm
by swifty
Mark . I've just fitted them to the green mini and I've mixed some plastic padding and bonded them on . Looks a treat with no screw holes . . Ken

Re: Ideas for a front number plate hanger

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:56 pm
by lwarrine
Could you not just use a piece of stainless steel sheet .... If it's slightly smaller than the plate you won't really see it & no corrosion problems .....just cut down to the correct size & holes drilled / punched as required.
Depending on the size etc. I might be able to knock something up if you get stuck as have access to some stainless offcuts and a few machines.