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Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 12:27 pm
by mk1

Glad you managed to make sense of my gibberish!

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 9:33 pm
by App K
trevorhp wrote:Hi App K
The pulleys appear to be a variety of sizes I have pumps with 40, 41 and 42 teeth.
The ratio needs to be such that the distribution pump runs at no more than 6000rpm so the size is (almost) irrelevent.
I have several references from TJ letters/manuals/leaflets to this effect
Hi Trevor, we didn't have time to talk very much at Blyton, but hopefully next time.

I will running a 28 on the pump and 22 on the crank, basically because that's all I have. That will push me slightly over the 6000 rpm on the pump (6289 rpm @ 8000rpm), but as far as I'm aware, tecalimit only suggest that possible damage will occur at prolonged excess of 6000rpm on the pump???

It will be bolted to 970 though, so those rev limits may be exceeded.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 10:32 pm
by graham.codling
Hi app k that crank pulley will be to small .32 is the correct size .the pictures you took of mine will put you in the right direction .

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 10:04 am
by John Bull
I am running 30 T on the crank and 40 T on the pump which equates to 6000rpm on the pump at 8000rpm on the crank.

Can anybody tell me what sort of gearing I should use on the alternator. At the moment it's 1 to 1 with the crank.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:55 pm
by trevorhp
Blyton was busy and it passed in a blur, it truly was a Mini Action Day day.
I was told that 6000 was the absolute limit for the pump and I am sure looking at the internals it is not up to much more.
There is no advantage, as far as I can see, to running it at a higher rpm, but if that's all you can do with the pulleys you have then...
I have several pumps ( though not all have pulleys from memory) and don't need all of them, so I will help, if I can, with a pulley of a more suitable size.
Let me know.

p.s. I am possibly letting one pump go to Malta as a spare though!!

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 6:25 pm
by App K
Tev, thanks a million for the offer on that.

I spoke to Graham today, and he kinda thought that I might be all right, but Im all ears :geek: and will take every bit of advice that I can get hold of, as the TJ stuff is new(ish) to me.

I will check the other pumps that I have and measure the pulleys, as up to present I thought they were all the same.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 11:06 pm
by John Bull
Spent the day working on the Mini today. I have put the alternator and the mechanical injection pump on separate belts/pulleys and from the little I have run it, it seems much better with everything aligned better.

Different pulleys are readily available, and cheap, here. The problem all along has been finding belts of the right size. As stated in an earlier post I am running 40 pump / 30 crank, which equates to 6000 pump rpm to 8000 crank rpm. This way I am now able to reduce the pressure to the mechanical pump. I am now down to 25psi at 1500 rpm and believe I can go even lower, thus improving the idling and bottom end.

I would be interested to read progress reports from other writers.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 7:48 pm
by trevorhp
Graham kindly gave me a belt for my 40/30 pulley setup at Blyton
But try this Joe: ... EBIDX%3AIT
Lots on this infamous website

It's pulleys I have difficulty with, maybe we could arrange some import/export deals!!

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:04 pm
by John Bull
Send an e mail or pm with what you require and .... it will be done :)

I bought the same size, and make, of belt from 2 different sources, both locally. One was 11 euro. The other 27 euro.

TODAY's UPDATE. I have carried on reducing pressure. I've now got it down to 20psi at tick over - 1500 rpm. It ticks over better and has no difficulty starting, and pick up is still good. Weather permitting I hope to give it a good run tomorrow afternoon.

Next 3 items on the TO DO list. New alloy fuel tank, fit dual brake master cylinder and run pipes internally, tilt the engine forward to reduce the angle of the drive shafts.

It's never ending, isn't it :)

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 8:48 am
by graham.codling
Hello John been following this thread with intrest .nice set up you have .i run my fuel pressure at tickover at 25psi at 1100 rpm .i find any lower pressure will cause slow pickup .to much pressure causes high tickover and backfiring on overrun .

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 9:55 am
by John Bull
graham.codling wrote:Hello John been following this thread with intrest .nice set up you have .i run my fuel pressure at tickover at 25psi at 1100 rpm .i find any lower pressure will cause slow pickup .to much pressure causes high tickover and backfiring on overrun .
Interesting. All yesterday i was in the garage, so I will have to find out what it's like on the road, but what you say makes sense. Are you on independently adjustable throttle bodies with butterflies, or slides, as I find it difficult to get the tick over down below 1500rpm with slides. Mind you, with a 320/320 cam and 1.5 rockers I shouldn't really expect it to tick over much below 1500.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:16 am
by graham.codling
Yes they have independent throttle bodies with no air adj screws.i also run a 320/320 cam .

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:17 am
by graham.codling
Sorry 1.3 roller rockers as well

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:32 am
by Astro
"roller rockers" how? I asked for using them, but they are not contemporary.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 12:58 pm
by graham.codling
Contempary or not there's fitted to my car :D

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 1:21 pm
by Astro
:( was just looking for someone to explain it to the scrutineers.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 1:58 pm
by John Bull
Astro wrote::( was just looking for someone to explain it to the scrutineers.
If you ask 10 scrutineers, you will get 10 different answers. :roll:

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:00 pm
by graham.codling
Astro I use the car for road use and odd trackdays I don't compete in it.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:11 pm
by anis
this thread is very interesting. i am slowly progressing in the quest of illusive parts for the TJ injection and will probably be working on my engine in the summer. your advices are like gold to me. i am going the arden replica way.

Re: T J Fuel Injection

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:24 pm
by John Bull
anis wrote:this thread is very interesting. i am slowly progressing in the quest of illusive parts for the TJ injection and will probably be working on my engine in the summer. your advices are like gold to me. i am going the arden replica way.
Sounds interesting. I'm going to tell you a story that might somewhat piss you off a bit :roll: Over 30 years ago, a friend hill climbed a 1293 Cooper S with Arden head and 45DCOEs. He ordered a TJ injection kit, which duly arrived all nicely boxed and set out. He never opened it for some years and carried on running the car on carbs. In fact the packet was finally opened when I got my TJ bits and needed an instruction manual. He opened the box, followed me to the stationers to photocopy them, put them back in ...... and it's never been opened again since.

He hasn't got a Mini any more and I've hinted a couple of times that I would be happy to buy the TJ kit from him, but to no avail.