I'm pulling everything together to sending it off for balancing. I've lapped the flywheel onto the crank using some fine paste and a drop of oil. How far should I go, is this enough, should I keep going until I get an even grey finish or is this going to cause problems with the 'C' washer etc?
I would've thought that was enough - it will have knocked off the high spots and you'll never remove the low's.
On assembly I now put one drop of light machine oil on my finger and wipe the around the taper. It seems to let the flywheel go on better (no galling) and certainly makes removal easier - still need plenty of force in the puller but one tap on the end of the bolt and off it comes.
For the record EDA charge £70 to balance the whole bottom end - crank, rods, pistons, flywheel, cover, backplate and damper.
Dropping mine off this weekend.
I've had 4-5 engines balanced by EDA over the years, the first was over 15 years ago and I'm sure it was £70 back then, which seemed expensive at the time.
Grim up north works for me