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Post by Smiffy »

In light of Marks news of the running down of the forum, what's gonna happen with Blyton Track day ? Have the twatts that have F___ed the site
F___ed that as well ?
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Re: Blyton

Post by Pandora »

I'll let Mark respond, but I am sure that there will be enough enthusiasm for Blyton for it to continue in some form - it's just that others may need to step up and take on some of the behind the scenes admin burden.

I don't think any of us should jump to any conclusions at this stage - Let's wait for Mr F to update us on his thoughts (which to my understanding is not to imminently pull the plug on Mk1-world)

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Re: Blyton

Post by gs.davies »

Where’s this news..?
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Re: Blyton

Post by Exminiman »

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Re: Blyton

Post by mk1 »

I have not had a chance to speak to Pete about Blyton yet.

I will post any Blyton news as & when I have it.

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Re: Blyton

Post by Pete »

Well Blyton has gone from strength to strength judging by the attendance this year so I’m happy to carry it on with the good will and input of the valuable community on here. My enthusiasm for this stuff ain’t going anywhere! I’ll be gutted to lose Mark’s website, this forum and all that it contains but if you don’t use it sometimes you do lose it! I must do searches on here about three times a week and keep a regular eye on it but I’m as guilty as anybody for not contributing enough! The reach of social media is way more effective yes and it has impacted on ye old forums across the board a lot in recent years but content and discussion quality on social media platforms absolutely doesn’t compare! You need the attention span of a goldfish for most of em! :lol:

Certain unpleasant characters telling Mark what we can and can’t legitimately discuss on here haven’t helped the situation (exactly the same issue killed off the MCR forum as I remember) but inevitably it’s Mark’s decision and I totally accept and respect it.
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Re: Blyton

Post by AndyPen »

This forum has been amazing in terms of helpful advice and decent minded folk who help you out when help is needed. I do hope there is a glimmer of light to let us keep it going?
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Re: Blyton

Post by InnoCooperExport »

Agreed with Pete and Andy above. I have learned things here I would otherwise never have known or taken absolutely ages to work out. I too am remiss in maybe contributing or updating my build thread but to be honest that build has been long and slow. But I have had a recent push in momentum and just uploaded some fresh pictures to my Imgur in preparation of a new post.

I will miss this place when it goes, it's such a goldmine of info and great little community
Of course I know what a dipstick is, you get called something often enough you look it up!
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Re: Blyton

Post by Exminiman »

Pete wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:58 pm Well Blyton has gone from strength to strength judging by the attendance this year so I’m happy to carry it on with the good will and input of the valuable community on here. My enthusiasm for this stuff ain’t going anywhere! I’ll be gutted to lose Mark’s website, this forum and all that it contains but if you don’t use it sometimes you do lose it! I must do searches on here about three times a week and keep a regular eye on it but I’m as guilty as anybody for not contributing enough! The reach of social media is way more effective yes and it has impacted on ye old forums across the board a lot in recent years but content and discussion quality on social media platforms absolutely doesn’t compare! You need the attention span of a goldfish for most of em! :lol:

Certain unpleasant characters telling Mark what we can and can’t legitimately discuss on here haven’t helped the situation (exactly the same issue killed off the MCR forum as I remember) but inevitably it’s Mark’s decision and I totally accept and respect it.
I agree, discussion on social media, especially Facebook, is not of the same quality, mostly pretty worthless sound bytes……no depth…..This forum is a mine of information but using it to publicly discuss alleged ringers is only going to end in tears these days….
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Re: Blyton

Post by Dr.Mabo »

I am still not able to search for or retrieve any information on social media that I have previously read. That may well be down to me, but that's why social media is in no way an alternative to a pool of experience like this forum.

Social media is pub chatter at best, whereas this forum is a real exchange between experts and like-minded people. Furthermore, the knowledge shared here in the forum is usually still based on first-hand experience and well-founded sources. For me, there is no substitute for this forum.
so long
the Doc

My previous project:
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Re: Blyton

Post by Exminiman »

Just a thought, I completely understand why Mark may want to wind things down a bit, but long-term, could the forum be turned into some sort of Trust or maybe adopted by an existing Heritage Trust ?

As others have said, this is such a unique resource, it would be a terrible waste to lose it and all the accumulated data....
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Re: Blyton

Post by mk1 »

Thanks for the supportive messages posted to this thread, but to be honest, nothing has been said that I haven't been thinking about long & hard for months. The only thing I am certain about is that I personally want to stand down from running the forum, if for no other reason than I feel that nearly 25 years of running this & the previous versions of the MK1 PC forum is long enough for anyone. Maybe an injection of new blood is what it needs to get it moving forward again?

If anyone wants to take over, they are welcome to do so, & I would happily give them all the support they needed to take it on. It costs somewhere in the region of £70 a month plus a bit more, maybe £200 or £300 every year or so for software updates, domain name payments etc. & maybe 15 minutes a day in the basic admin, checking & clearing membership applications, answering questions about posting pics etc. The thing that has killed it for me is that you will also be potentially legally liable for everything that is posted on here, so if someone takes Umbridge at something that was posted be it tomorrow or 9 years ago, you will have to be prepared to carry the can for that, regardless of who made the original comment.

Much as I have enjoyed running the forum for the majority of the time, I am rapidly approaching retirement & I don't feel able to put myself in a position, regardless of how remote that possibility might be, of having to defend a legal action from some disgruntled car dealer or restorer.

If anyone has a serious interest in taking over, please feel free to get in touch.

Mark F
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Re: Blyton

Post by mab01uk »

I fully understand your position Mark, especially as like me you are rapidly approaching retirement!

I remember about 10 years ago the Mk1 Forum was up for sale briefly and TMF (The Mini Forum) showed interest and made some possibly interesting proposals for saving this valuable early Mini resource. If Mark's preferred option of the MK1 Site & forum remaining independent and run by a group of interested individuals can not be achieved that would perhaps be another option. Several members are active on both forums including 'Spider' who is also part of the TMF 'Admin' team. If that was to happen ideally it would be kept as a separate entity as far as possible, but just run by TMF Admin who have long experience in what is involved in running and maintaining a forum.

Mk1 Performance website and forum may disappear as a valuable early Mini resource (2013) :- ... -web-site/
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Re: Blyton

Post by mk1 »

The first couple of posts in that TMF thread are a great explanation as to why nothing ever came of it.

One way or another, I will be leaving before the end of the year, I am not interested in "cynically cashing in" on the last 25 years work or attempting to recoup even a tiny fraction of the 20 Grand plus that I have put into it over the years, I have just had enough.

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Re: Blyton

Post by gs.davies »

It would be a real shame to lose this invaluable resource.

My own years long restoration of my car may not have been as successful without snippets of decent information obtained here, not to mention obtaining parts and services of real experts.

Social media is alright for looking at pictures and having brief discussions but it’s transitory, this has permanence and authority.

If there is a way that I can get involved in some way of continuing this, then I will.

Mark, I’ll drop you a pm after the weekend.
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Re: Blyton

Post by rpb203 »

I would like to say a massive thanks to Mark for the forum.
Like others have said this has been a massive help and source of knowledge for me even though I have been playing with minis on and off for the best part of 40+ years.
The forum is one of my go to places a couple of times a day when I need go get away from what is a BS working day.
I will be incredibly sad to see it go, but fully understand your decision to step away.
I did something similar in a different walk of life a few years ago.
So as I started a massive thanks you for the Forum and the performance site as well.
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Re: Blyton

Post by sugarhiccup »

Hi Mark,

I’ve been part of this forum on and off for the last ~15-years (just shy of half of my life), and wanted to say a *MASSIVE* thank you for all that you are and do to cultivate this wonderful worldwide community.

I am here practically every single day soaking up amazing content and knowledge, as well as occasionally imparting my own help and advice where I feel that I can… There’s just no better place to indulge when the mini is such a big part of your existence.

I acknowledge the huge toll it must take to manage, update and maintain the main site, as well as the forum. It’s no easy feat, but nothing worth having comes easy of course! Including our joyous little cars…

It’s such a shame to learn of the burdens that you contend with, especially that societal rogues can somehow wield enough power to potentially cause harm personally, and equally spoil things for the many. However, I think (and hope) that the collective culture and safe space that you have worked so hard to define here will remain strong and defiant in the face of any and all adversity as a result of your fantastic stewardship.

I fully understand and respect your position, and wanted to publicly state how much I appreciate your absolute dedication to preserving history and engaging even younger spirits such as myself to carry on this passion forward, I sincerely hope for decades to follow…

Thanks for shaping my world.

Thomas :)
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Re: Blyton

Post by Polarsilver »

Thomas, well said .. as your expressed feelings are also applicable to me after my past 57 years of "proper" Mini ownership, yet i am still able to learn from this exceptional Mk1 Forum & also the value contained within the Main Site.
Big Thank You to Mark & also the members as it has been a real pleasure to be part of this Forum..highlight has to be Goodwood 2019 .. long may this Forum continue and i will make Blyton next year should those that make it happen continue with the project .. thanks to all from this "old codger."
Moke mk1,,1275.
UR quattro.
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Re: Blyton

Post by steve1071 »

Huge thank you to Mark and the mod’s for all their work on here over the years. I really don’t want to see this wonderful forum disappear and are more than happy to explore and help in any way to keep it going.

Mark, I’ll call up and buy you a beer one evening. I’m thinking there must be a way to insure against the legal liability of any new entity that takes it on.

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Re: Blyton

Post by Exminiman »

steve1071 wrote: Sat Aug 24, 2024 11:35 am I’m thinking there must be a way to insure against the legal liability of any new entity that takes it on.

I was thinking this as well, there must be a way to structure the ownership of the forum, so that individuals are not liable. This would need to be done with professional advice, I ( and I am sure others) would be willing to contribute towards the legal costs, maybe set up a funding account ?
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