Temp (according to the gauge) is fine running at 50/60mph. Haven't tried long high speed running. As soon as you slow down however to 30/40 the gauge creeps upwards.
Now as regards the electric fan this seems to make not one whit of difference. A check of the fan however shows that it sucks air INTO the engine compartment. Surely this is wrong and it should suck air OUT OF the engine compartment.
I'm also thinking of a duct in the A panel to help the flow of air. Sparrows WNX ran such.
Venting into the wheel-arch is always a problem (though there's not much choice!), as it tends to be a high pressure area. And is not helped by lowering / big wheels etc.
Well that probably explains the problem with the fan then. Hear what you say about the gauge but it appears to be OK. Might check though.
Any comments on the A panel vent? I did look at Carbonweazels vents but the price was a bit pricey. Any suggestions on a cheaper alternative apart from making my own...............bearing in mind my standard of expertise
After the gauge I’d look at the cooling system, check the stat, flush the system, clean the crap out of the matrix, add some water wetter, check the water pump, try a better rad. etc. etc. before chopping holes in the shell.