It is a sad reflection on the state of the modern sport that this event now appears under "Historic Motorsport".
Exactly like the initially-proposed event that eventually ran as the Goodwood Festival (hill climb) and which runs today as an example of the excesses of overcrowding and overpricing, this event also was originally proposed simply as a club level speed event to provide additional venues for the modern sport in the south east (there has long been no club hill climb venue in the south east quarter of the country).
There is a lot more that could be said about the future of the sport if all the limited organising capacity that exists within today's increasing restrictions is used up on historic events.
Fair point but if it was run as a club level all-comers sprint nobody would turn up to watch it. As it's run as a historic event would you not agree that it probably introduces more new competitors and young people to the sport than it would have otherwise? just a thought....
Well it introduced the sort of young people who thought the best fun was to set fire to the straw bales during the event...
Crystal Palace did have a "moderns" day alongside the "historics" day but no, it was a general point that we seem to have enough "historic" events with all the "demonstration" events too (those that seem to avoid pointing out they are not actually proper competitions).
(and no intention of rubbishing the original post).
When the Crystal Palace "Revival" was conceived, I was a bit closer to its organisation than I am now. I'm not sure there was much difference in the original attendances at the modern and historic days there but it is now promoted for the historic element.
As a class winner at both the last to survive "modern" hill climbs in the south east quarter of the country, I am passionate to see that speed events in that area are not limited to circuit sprints. The MSA may not share that view...
Almost uniquely, the Mini remains a winner in both "Roadgoing" and "Modprod" modern speed event 1400cc classes (the ludicrous retaining of a 1.4 turbo equivalence factor when other branches of the sport have long ago gone to 1.7 has effectively killed off older cars from winning at higher capacities) and that is something to celebrate alongside "historics". (just don't expect me to pay for some of those modern A series engines in use now!)
This is what happens when a motor club gets an 'event management' company in to organise it's event. Looking at the photo they're not even the "official replicas" , they're replicas of the replicas!
mk1coopers wrote:Here's we go again, say something enough times and it will become true (this is no reflection on your helpful post Mab)
In honour of the UK's favourite motoring movie, the three actual Mini Coopers, in red white and blue from the film will be at Motorsport at the Palace
No they won't, the 3 made up number plates attached to replica cars will be
No worries, I did of course notice the quote about 'the three actual Mini Coopers' (emailed to me by the organisers) but thought I would let others point it out! ..........I don't think real Mini enthusiasts who research such details will ever believe it is true no matter how many times it gets said (although no one seemed to notice the same quote I posted on TMF!) but I suppose the vast majority of visitors to the CP event will not be that bothered whether the cars are the genuine article or not and it is good that these 3 replicas are there to promote the Italian Job legend to what will mainly be non-Mini enthusiasts, families on a day out and potentially to a new generation of kids, who will only get to see them because this is a now rare motorsport/family fun event being held in a city area like London.
"Motorsport at the Palace will pay tribute to another famous use of Crystal Palace as in 1969, the venue was used to film scenes in the iconic motoring movie The Italian Job. The circuit’s inner field was used to film the van being blown up so the film’s star Michael Caine could say that immortal line; “You’re only suppose to blow the bloody doors off.” The actual circuit was used by stunt drivers to practice the jumping sequence with the Mini Cooper cars as well as being used for part of the car chase itself"
In the above photographs, the remains of the old Crystal Palace motor racing circuit, showing the section used by the Italian Job Mini Coopers to practice jumping. This section of the circuit was also used for the parade lap start of the 25th London to Brighton Mini Run in 2010.
110 cars on the Sunday / 103 on Monday (classic bikes will be there too)
"Between the practice sessions in the morning and the racing in the afternoon, we have a very special treat for you. The Italian Job Minis will be taking a lap of the circuit as well as being on display for pictures, after filming scenes from the iconic movie at Crystal Palace some 47 years ago."
mab01uk wrote:The Italian Job Minis will be taking a lap of the circuit as well as being on display for pictures, after filming scenes from the iconic movie at Crystal Palace some 47 years ago."
technically, isn't that 'the registration numbers that where used in the film will be driven round the circuit attached to three minis....'
I wonder what the ASA would say if someone complained about the adverts misleading the general public like this.......
That's what happens when a motor club hands over it's event to a management company. I don't think it's that set of cars from the North East by the way that Brian Johnson also pronounced were the real cars on his TV prog,(and the owner didn't exactly object!) As you know Rich today's replica = tomorrow's genuine article.
It's a great event this by the way, seems a little under supported as these things go as well I think?
mab01uk wrote:The Italian Job Minis will be taking a lap of the circuit as well as being on display for pictures, after filming scenes from the iconic movie at Crystal Palace some 47 years ago."
technically, isn't that 'the registration numbers that where used in the film will be driven round the circuit attached to three minis....'
I wonder what the ASA would say if someone complained about the adverts misleading the general public like this.......
its not on really
However I think those enthusiasts that care about such things know about them anyway and most of the general public and their kids will just enjoy seeing the 3 Mini 'replicas' in red, white and blue on their family day out at CP.