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mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 2:20 pm
by matic
hi sirs,
do any companies supply the b pillar repaired section for mini mk1? i am looking to replace this on my car?
warm regards
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:21 pm
by Lord Croker
I should try M-Machine, it depends how much of a repair panel you need, one of their new products is a door step panel that extends a fair way up the A & B posts. They also make repair panels for Pick Up B posts, not sure if they are compatible, but worth a look.
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 1:50 pm
by matic
hi sir
thank you so much
i will try to contact them.
by the way, if i change the b pillar panel, what section should i cut the old panel in order to replace a new one?
warm regards
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:58 pm
by Andrew1967
Hi Ink,
I don't think Mini Machine do the B post panel.
A few blokes on the Mini Pick up forum have been asking about the same panel and the general opinion is that this panel is not available other than as a new old stock door frame surround or if someone is scrapping an external hinge shell.
As previously mentioned, the door step does extend a little way upwards on the B post but only 4-5 inches or so.
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:36 am
by Lord Croker
I've found these on the M-Machine website, Part nos. Inner left hand B-post repair panel, Inner right hand B-post repair panel, Outer left hand B-post repair panel,, outer right hand B-post repair panel, all listed for a Mini Pick-up, but in light of what Andrew says, maybe these are discontinued items or comprise only very small parts of the pillar, but maybe worth a try.
As regards cutting the old panel out, I would wait until (hopefully) you have the new ones which should determine where to cut the old ones out. It's not a repair I've ever carried out, so if you do find the necessary panels, I would love to see how it turns out. Good luck with your project, hope you can find what you need & that it all goes well.
Regards, Rich.
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:02 pm
by Andrew1967
I suspect its the actual door frame part of the B post that you need, Ink ??
Mini Machine do the inner B post panel and the upper, outer B post section but not the actual door frame where the striker plate screws on to.
They are making new panels all the time so it might be worth asking them if they are planning on doing a Mk1 B post door frame soon. It would be a good seller I'd guess.
Is this what you are after Ink ? Unfortunately, its not for sale at the moment but might be once my pick up shell is finished.
As Rich says, good luck with your project and hopefully you'll be able to find the sections you need soon.
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 9:57 pm
by Dr S
I've had a few doorsteps from m-machine with different amounts of metal at each end. I suspect a nice call would be able to elicit something with enough meat on it to solve the problem.
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:06 am
by matic
hi rich, andrew and nick,
thank you so much for your comment. it is very helpful. i am always thinking that why the supplier like m machine, sommerford or other mini part suppliers dont produce these parts. i believe that it will be the best selling part as a lot of mk1 cars do need this. i also think that why some parts like mk1 back panel is produced with widen screen. why dont they produce a correct panel.
i am in oversea country. it is very difficult to get the part on hands. a lot of minis die or are converted to rover mini (combined with rover panels). i hope they will reproduce these parts soon.
yes, andrew, i mean the door frame or from b pillar to rear quarter panel. if you change your mind , pkease me know hah
nick, thank you i will try to email them first
thank you all
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:12 am
by Dr S
Hi ink,
I'd phone m-machine they don't really do email ior web communication yet..
The lady who answers the phone knows everything though!
Good luck
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:14 pm
by Andrew1967
Yes Nick, couldn't agree more.
If you want a swift reply, always telephone them rather than email.
I'm happy to give them a call for you and report back via the forum if calling from overseas is difficult/expensive.
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:23 am
by matic
hi andrew,
thank you so much.
can you help to contact them? i am afraid that i am not speaking english well to explain them clearly.
really appreciated
warm regards
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:29 pm
by Andrew1967
Hi Ink,
I have just called Mini Machine and spoke unfortunately they do not make the door frame part of the B-post, only the lower few inches that comes as part of the door step/part rear panel or door step panel.
At the moment they have no plans to make this panel although they are aware that it is a panel that would sell.
The only thing I can suggest is trying to find someone with a scrap shell with a good B-post that can be salvaged. Easier said than done I know but.....
I am going to see a chap who has several rusting Mk1 Minis sometime this month. I'll see if he has anything that may be of use. What side do you need and how high up do you need? Can't promise anything though.
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:19 am
by matic
hi andrew
thank you so so much. i really appreciate.
in fact, i am looking for the door frame (from a post to b post). it was poorly repaired. i think mk1 panel is one pc. this make me unsure that if i cannot get a whole panel, i should try to get in separated section (like b post included quarter panel section).
by the way, i attach you my mini's b post
right hand side:
left hand side:
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:01 pm
by Dr S
Given that the quarter wraps around / butts onto the B pillar and where the repair comes to in the curved section I think the quarter and doorstep will cover most if not all of the affected area.
I think i'd be getting the paint off to see whats actually going on. It looks to me like its had a rather unsympathetic quarter replacement and a the same on part of the door step.
Most of the B pillar looks good to me?
Re: mini mk1's b pillar repaired section
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:53 pm
it looks as if someone has maybe used a MK3 rear qtr on a MK1 - if you do so you have to 'cut-in' down the back of the b piller