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Front Wheel bearings

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:03 am
by colinandvenie
Hey guys, I am renewing the front wheel bearings and wondered if I need to use the inner spacer on tapered roller bearings??
The car is standard '63 850 mini

Re: Front Wheel bearings

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:10 am
by dklawson
Whether you need a spacer depends on the bearings. Some bearing sets were made where you need a spacer between the inner races to hold the two bearings the correct distance apart. Other bearings have extended inner races that can touch each other without needing the spacer.

If you have bought new bearings as a kit, they should come "complete". If they came without a spacer, don't use the spacer from your old bearings with the new ones. If the new bearings include a spacer, use that spacer (and not the old one) with the new bearings as the new spacer will be ground to the correct length for the new bearings.

Re: Front Wheel bearings

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:19 am
by 36inter
Taper roller bearings on a 63 Mini ???

Should they not be ball bearings which the drive hub goes through or is my memory failing me. I used to replace mine on a regular basis as I ran wide spacers, it was the drive hub that always failed.


Re: Front Wheel bearings

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:04 am
by Spider
As dklawson has suggested, use all the components that come with the bearing kit, don't reuse any of your old bearing assembly.

Also, as 36inter has said, it would have had ball bering types from the factory, however the taper rollers and ball bearing types are - as a set - dimensionally the same, so they will - as a set - interchange.

Here's a cross section of the drum brake hub that may help;-


If you old bearings have spun in the hub, then you'll also need a new hub too.

Re: Front Wheel bearings

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:35 am
by colinandvenie
Cheers guys