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Aldon Amethyst Mappable ignition.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:06 pm
by InimiaD
I'm a bit of a heathen when it comes to dizzy's and the recent topics on timing etc, which have been very enlightening and thought provoking, has set me on a steep learning curve. :lol:

I used Aldons on my old rally motors, yellow first, then progressing to a Red when the spec got higher, both of which I still have.
Whilst looking into having my Yellow dizzy refurbed for my current projects engine, I found the Amethyst mappable system.
For the price and capabilities it looks to tick all the boxes, but have any of you learned guys used this system and how does it compare to say, Megajolt.?

Re: Aldon Amethyst Mappable ignition.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:47 am
by Smiffy
You can't really compare any dizzy based system with a crank fired system. Be it megajolt, megasquirt or what ever, whether or not you think it's worth the extra work only you can decide. But if your not limited by originality, you won't be disappointed. Thats been my experience changing from a well modified Aldon Yellow.