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Jaeger rev counter wiring...

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:20 pm
by tedmcedd
Hello all!

I have one of these:


I have no idea how it wires in. It simply has some nuts on the back, I'm guessing are for ring terminals to screw to. I have some pencil someone has kindly written on for me, labeling the terminals Black (I'm gonna guess earth!) White, and white/Brown.

Anyone know if it works on a loop/pulse? or if it works like my midget one did, with a live in and a link to the coil....?

Many thanks!


Re: Jaeger rev counter wiring...

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:37 pm
by wantafaster1
Might be a bit random, but I think that's what was fitted to Skodas ( used to navigate in one !) and maybe you could chase up a wiring diagram for one of them?