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MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:09 am
by mk1
I have noticed a very great increase in the number of absolutely massive pictures that are being uploaded to the forum.

When a single image is wider than the forum page it makes the whole thread very difficult to read & the image difficult to digest.

Can people please ensure that any pictures they upload are a MAXIMUM of around 900 pixels wide.


Thanking you in anticipation.

Mark F

Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:16 pm
by GraemeC
Could I be so rude as to tag another (related) gripe to this?

Quoting messages rather than simply replying, especially when they contain a load of photos so we see the same pictures over and over again.
Quoting's fine if it is to make specific reference to something but just to say 'nice seats' is a bit annoying!

Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:55 pm
by minimans
Or at least picking the actual phrase that you need to quote and deleting the rest? that works for me.................

Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:06 am
by mk1
Quoting messages rather than simply replying, especially when they contain a load of photos so we see the same pictures over and over again.

Good point, well made!


Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:45 pm
by Ant Hines
GraemeC wrote:'nice seats'
Agreed, nice seats.

Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:49 pm
by surfblue63
Nearly all my pictures are 1024 wide, note much bigger than 900.

To resize mine I use the Microsoft Office picture viewer/editor, which I think most Windows users will have. Just open your pics in this programme, 1. click on picture, then 2. resize, then 3. predefined width and height, select document large (or any other size), then click 4. OK. When you close the programme you will need to click save. If you want to keep your original larger hi-res image then make a copy first and resize the copy.


Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:19 am
by mk1
Thanks Surf, good tip. Yup, 1024 is fine, thats why I said a MIXIMUM of AROUND 900 pixels, it's just when a pic gets a lot bigger than most peoples screen it gets really hard to read.


Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:18 am
by timmy201
surfblue63 wrote:Nearly all my pictures are 1024 wide, note much bigger than 900.

To resize mine I use the Microsoft Office picture viewer/editor, which I think most Windows users will have. Just open your pics in this programme, 1. click on picture, then 2. resize, then 3. predefined width and height, select document large (or any other size), then click 4. OK. When you close the programme you will need to click save. If you want to keep your original larger hi-res image then make a copy first and resize the copy.
The best bit about that program is that if you open the folder in "tile" view you can select many images at once and resize and save them as a batch

Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:35 pm
by yorkspv
Hey, I've tried in the past to download photos straight from my iPhone but the files were too large. After a bit of searching I found an app that reduces the file size considerably(and physical size). It really couldn't be easier. The app is called Autoresize(it has a rose and a tape measure on the thumbnail) also it's free. Hope this is helpful cheers.

Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:58 am
by greyghost
and for those of us with a Mac,

open the image in Preview. go to Tools, then Adjust Size. make sure the width and height are in Pixels and are linked then type in 900 into the width.
and voila!
all done without any extras needed. this is with OSX Mavericks but old OS's should be the same.

Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:59 pm
by ianh1968
Hey, Mark.... :ugeek:

Couldn't you put a file-size check/restriction into the upload feature?

It could be a "Warning" or an "Error".

I just made a 900 by 600 photo and this came out at 481Kb.

Say, if the file is bigger than about 750Kb and it's an image file,
suggest that the poster reduces the size...

Go work your magic!


Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:56 pm
by mk1
Good suggestion, I'll see what I can do.


Re: MASSIVE PICTURES! (Please read!)

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:58 pm
by ianh1968

If you are resizing your photos to upload:

MAKE A COPY FIRST and use that,
or your prized original may get "the treatment"...

You can then delete this afterwards.

Anyone use "GIMP"?

From the "Image" menu, select "Scale Image"
Change the "Width", then click "Scale".
"Save" if it is a copy,
or "Save As" if it is the original...
