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rotisserie and panel repair question

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:04 pm
by norm74
hi there i thought i would ask this question on here as you guys seem to repair or rebiuld whole cars out of nothing.

i have a 1974 mini clubman Aus version. i have to replace the boot floor as it has been firbeglassed at some stage, the rear seat in the boot section has had bad patch put in and i know that it will be bad underneath, i also bought a new parcel shelf as here in Aus they knock back your car for roadworthly certificate (RWC) for rego if there has been holes cut in it for speakers etc.

it has the hole in the back seat that came from factory, but the panel repair section i got doesnt have it. how do i go about repairing/replacing the sections, what steps do i do first etc.
If i build a rotisserie where do i bolt all this to as i have to cut the rear seat out boot floor and parcel shelf, do i use the rear shock bolts to mount the rear, where do i brace up before removing the panels in question. I know where to bolt at the front but at the rear :?:

Have put some pics up of what i have and the panels i bought. i know i have to strip the subframes, wiring etc out before i do anything. yes i know the holes dont look that bad in the parcel shelf ive seen worst but some people are now really bad with old cars and want to defect them for anything, they say it looses streghth in that area.
also they are heritage panels too. so they should fit.

please help. any advice would be great.

thankyou robert









Re: rotisserie and panel repair question

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:15 pm
by Gray
Must admit to me I would not be looking to go to all the trouble to change out all those complete panels, the work to do local patching although time consuming would be far less complicated from what the images show unless the rot is far worse than is visable.

Re: rotisserie and panel repair question

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:53 pm
by Pete
norm74 wrote: also they are heritage panels too. so they should fit.
I wouldn't bank on it ! Most of their panels need some persuasion to fit and I'd also agree with Gray that it's seems a little drastic to remove what look like reasonably solid panels , especially the rear bulkhead to replace it with what amounts to the wrong panel.

Re: rotisserie and panel repair question

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:58 pm
by norm74
ok so just cut out sections that i need, leave the good stuff, what about the floor it wont pass. just un-stich the panel and put the new one in, with a little help like a BFH and grinder :D

Re: rotisserie and panel repair question

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:13 am
by mab01uk
Looks a very good solid Mini.....just needs some minor patching panels cut and let in where necessary.

Re: rotisserie and panel repair question

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:59 pm
by Ollie78
I agree with the previous posts, spending a little time to make repair sections to let in would be better for the car. All those panels you have there are for a later mini, the speaker holes in the new parcel shelf are swaged though I think so should be ok, maybe?
I've bought a lot of heritage panels for my mkII, none of them fit as well as you would hope, some are quite disappointing. The boot floor was one of the better ones for me but still along way from perfect.
You could use the heritage panels to make card templates for repair sections and sell them on.

Re: rotisserie and panel repair question

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:46 pm
by Gray
If you can find a mini in a scrapyard (hard now) the flutes in the verticle bulkhead are set the same as on the parcel shelf so you can cut a section out to patch the shelf.