Crap petrol pipe??

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Crap petrol pipe??

Post by rolesyboy »

I have replaced the fuel line on my Mini 3 times in 3 years with the braided type from Minispares. Every year be it removing the pump, replacing it or taking off the subframe I find that the pipe has become brittle and breaks clean off the banjos/spigots from the pump. The car does all of about 300 miles a year and sits in a nice dry garage the rest of the time.
It is also a pain in the arse trying to fit the braided pipe onto the pump.
Would somebody enlighten me with details of where I can buy some decent braided fuel line and advise what are the best clips to secure it to the pump and steel fuel line? (Jubiliee look wrong)
Any nice pics of the layout of the fuel pump and the correct routing for the pipework would be of help.

Thanks in advance. Mark
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Re: Crap petrol pipe??

Post by Red Mist »

Hey Mark,

Have had similar problems before. Apparently the amount of Ethanol in petrol these days is a major factor in rubber fuel line deterioration.

Haven't looked into alternatives, but I believe there are fuel lines on the market that will not succumb to the corrosive nature of ethanol. Hopefully someone else here can enlighten us!
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Re: Crap petrol pipe??

Post by JC T ONE »

I have seen this topic discussed on different forums before.

It seems that (some) later rubber hoses aint up to the job :roll:

So its not just repro parts, that have poor quality, compared to original parts.

My personal expirience with plastic fuel lines, and rubber hoses,
is that the ones JanSpeed fitted on my car back in 1985 still work fine.
The car always run unleaded, without additives of any kind.

But I have seen & heard of many with simelar problems to yours :roll:

I think you need to buy your fuel hose from an independed company, and then add the metal sock from your current hoses.

The rubber petrol hose I bought, for the engine on both my racer (fitted 2005 & the WP (fitted 2007) still works fine, without cracks.

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Re: Crap petrol pipe??

Post by zippypinhead »

I've had good luck with this stuff: ... on_id=5348
Dunno if it's available over there. And, I don't know if you could swap the braiding over to make it look original.
Me? Original is nice. But, something that works is better.....
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Re: Crap petrol pipe??

Post by Spider »

Glad someone bought this up, I've been meaning to but always forget as I have some on cars that I don't drive often.

I haven't had trouble with the lines becoming brittle, but just getting quite a few pin hole leaks.

I had it in mind to get some suitable hose, I guess like that zippinhead has suggested, and fit the original overbraid.

Thanks rolesboy for bringing the topic up.
1275 Cooper S
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Re: Crap petrol pipe??

Post by rolesyboy »

Overwhelming response to an issue that I thought might only affect me. Mine doesn't leak until the minute I touch it :oops: :oops:
As soon as I try to manipulate the pipe in any way it just plain snaps??? It never did this when I were a lad...
I will have a look at the stuff Zippypinhead suggested. Jens- I suspect trying to get the sock fitted over aftermarket pipe would be nigh on impossible. Thansk for your replies guys. I reckon we need to get some the input from a few racers/track boys on here.
PS Not moaning about Minispares specifically. It is just the place I have bought my pipe from each time. I have some NOS braided pipe in a box somewhere. Perhaps I will fit that. Cheers. Mark
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