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Stanford Hall Mini Day 1983

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:11 am
by mab01uk
Another scan from David Vizards 'Mini Tech News' July 1983:



Anyone know what happened to this 1966 S ?
(not taxed below since November 1983)

DVLA Vehicle enquiry
The enquiry is complete.The vehicle details for DNM 548D are:
Date of Liability 01 11 1983
Date of First Registration 27 04 1966
Year of Manufacture Not Available
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 1275cc
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type PETROL
Export Marker N
Vehicle Status Unlicensed
Vehicle Colour GREEN
Vehicle Type Approval Not Available

Re: Stanford Hall Mini Day 1983

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:41 am
by chichestermini
This is really interesting, why is it referred to as "Stamford" throughout the article...?

I live closeby to 'Stamford' and 'Stanford Hall'! Was it a mistake by the editor?

Re: Stanford Hall Mini Day 1983

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:40 pm
by Pete
chichestermini wrote:This is really interesting, why is it referred to as "Stamford" throughout the article...?

I live closeby to 'Stamford' and 'Stanford Hall'! Was it a mistake by the editor?
I've seen and heard that same mistake made many times over the years.