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Pictures of 1967 Earls Court Motor Show London

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:02 pm
by Falcone500

As I wrote allready in another thred, I´m currently restoring my 67 Cooper S MKII.´
The first destination of my car was as in subject the "Earls Court Motor Show London".

I would be very pleased to recieve any illustrated information about my car.

The car was coloured sandy beige/snowberry white.

Thanks a lot
Kindest regards

Re: Pictures of 1967 Earls Court Motor Show London

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:39 pm
by mab01uk
I was there with my older brother and remember looking very closely at the Mk2 Mini's because the new grille and rear lights were of great interest at the time......but as I was only 10 years old sadly I did not have a camera, I got plenty of brochures though! :D