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Bonnet strap fitting.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:40 pm
by InimiaD
Stop laughing you lot, but i was about to fit a short works style leather bonnet strap to an associates MK 1 Mini the other day and for the life of me, I was stumped as to the correct way to fix it to the slam panel with the grille moustache in place. :oops:

Any pointers as to fitting it the correct way. Some pics would be very helpful. As usual Google turned up sod all. :roll:

Re: Bonnet strap fitting.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:42 pm
by InimiaD
Google is still rubbish on the above topic. :roll:

Any hints or pics would be appreciated. I don't want to mess the job up, it's quite a smart MK 1. :mrgreen: