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classic car insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:42 pm
by captain
Just had a phone call from my insurance man who deals with my business needs,and he has asked me to insure my mini,separately from my traders policy.and i need a valuation from a owners club,anyone here advise me :idea: :idea: thanks Jim Kirk

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:50 pm
by steve1071
Out of interest what mini do you own and who's your business insurer? I run a brokerage and specialise in motor trade.

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:17 pm
by captain
steve1071 wrote:Out of interest what mini do you own and who's your business insurer? I run a brokerage and specialise in motor trade.
1960 mk1 mini minor totally restored to original standard with all the original numbers. My insurance company is NFU and the manager is a personal friend

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:38 pm
by App K
Im having lots of trouble with the NFU at the moment regarding insurance policies.

Without going in to detail would definitely not recommend them to anybody.

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:18 pm
by steve1071
NFU are a great insurer in my experience, but they are quite picky. They don't have a proper Motor Trade contract, but will cobble one together for certain clients. It seems to depend on the manager / client relationship.
The Cooper register have a deal with CVI which sounds good, failing that try Footman James.

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:52 pm
by foxy52
captain wrote:Just had a phone call from my insurance man who deals with my business needs,and he has asked me to insure my mini,separately from my traders policy.and i need a valuation from a owners club,anyone here advise me :idea: :idea: thanks Jim Kirk
..yes as one other said try CVI.. they gave me the best deal this year....MCR sponsors and the others that are good if u bend their ears are Footman James and Heritage.. best of luck.... foxy52

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:25 am
by sclemow
I've been very pleased with Hagerty, very helpful, very good service and good prices.

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:12 am
by guru_1071
my fleet are insured with rh - cant fault them

nfu on the other hand, I literally wouldn't give them the steam of my piss

without a shadow of doubt, the worse company I have ever had the misfortune to even ring up just to get a quote on a car - their attitude stink.

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:19 pm
by foxy52
guru_1071 wrote:my fleet are insured with rh - cant fault them

nfu on the other hand, I literally wouldn't give them the steam of my piss

without a shadow of doubt, the worse company I have ever had the misfortune to even ring up just to get a quote on a car - their attitude stink.
...Dont sit on the fence here guru ?! either u like them or u dont ??!! :lol: just goes to show one mans **** is another mans poison... it just depends what side of the bed some people get out of in the morning..... insurance companies are just a money making biz like all others.. and what a waste of premiums giving money away all yer life for nothing !!! having said that if u ever need them ?? just like the breakdown services....My vote this year went to CVI... last year it was Norton.. never ever think if u are a loyal customer of one company that nex years prem will be cheaper or better than others..?? thats bollo*** to !!!. its just the same as utilities companies they will screw u for whatever they can get !! foxy52

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:56 pm
by steve1071
I shouldn't really be singing the praises of NFU as they don't sell via brokers, but the last couple of times I've had to deal with them on behalf of a client has been surprisingly good. Other direct insurers like Direct Line, More Than etc etc are shocking and give the industry a bad name. The problem is there's so much marketing designed to get people to buy on price and their products are cheap for one reason, they screw you in different ways when it comes to claiming.

I agree NFU are a bit like marmite, however!

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:10 pm
by minimk1man
I'm with Rich on this one. I have a fleet policy with RH. Best quote by far.

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:36 pm
by captain
Hi folks thanks for all your replies but i think you are missing the actual question here, :? I am not looking for a new insurance company I am perfectly happy with the NFU in every way.Its a vehicle valuation i am after thanks :?

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:49 pm
by InimiaD
I think the British Mini Club do valuations. Not sure if you have to be a member or not. :?:

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:20 pm
by slowboy
this year my old fellahs trade policy changed and i have had to put him as a named driver for the 998 and 1293, unlimited mileage and agreed value, which is the actual price you would get in the event of a claim, important point that, footman james who i have been through for years managed to get £72 off my renewal !!!!!!!!!!!! inspite of adding dad.
as a footnote, the traders policy dad had was the second oldest consecutive trade policy held with royal, and hand written :o , last year was his 50th consecutive year with them an they gave him the insurance free of charge !!, the policy has changed now but the new insurers have honoured the social pleasure and domestic use for personal vehicles, but each reg number given increases the cost hence 2 of my cars coming off it.
[ one claim in 50 years, he wrote a customers roller off in 1978 :shock: :D ]

Re: classic car insurance

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:57 am
by Colin
So, nice discussion about classic car insurance, and i really appreciate to above comments, i also take a classic car insurance, because, insurance is most important for your car, and i have BMW car, no doubt BMW car company is one of the best ...

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