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Silverstone Classic

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:34 pm
by YMJ
Oi, Yorkie!
£895 + £100 Masters' annual membership fee to race 2 x 25 mins at the Classic. I will if you will!

Re: Silverstone Classic

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:22 am
by Yorkie 'S'
Oi Tim,

We will be lucky to do anything this year after a rather expensive repair bill at the end of last year for my prang at HSCC Silverstone Finals + 'er in doors is ensuring that all spare pennies are hoarded to be spent on a new house. :(

Thats not to mention that the engine needs a freshen up - will be lucky to be racing this side of July 2014 never mind 2013. It's intersting that the classic is putting on 2 masters touring car races in addition to the U2TC races. It will be interesting to see how the entry overlaps between the two. No doubt in the masters race all the big banger dragsters will stride off into the far far distance .................. :shock:


Re: Silverstone Classic

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:15 pm
by YMJ
I'll just be able to manage all three races at the Brands Festival in June and that'll be it! Hopefully I'll be combining by end of July so will be too busy but £995 for 2x20mins? FFS!
Got an email from Carol Spagg last night, "how about doing the U2TC Mini 4 hour race?" hour each at Monza, Spa, Dijon and Paul Ricard! I think I will respectfully have to admit that this style of historic racing and all that, is well out of my league :(