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Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:24 am
by ManyMiniCoopers
Hi folks.

My name is James. I've been into minis all my life and have plenty to keep me busy.
Current projects are a mk2 cooper s, followed by a simultaneous respect and restoration
of a mini pickup and mk1 cooper.

I'm sure I'll be picking brains for some things, as taking on a new area trying to make the cooper a quick 1000cc car.


(Only problem is I'm in California and the cars are in the UK!)

Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:25 am
by chichestermini

Good Morning and welcome! (Who knows what time it is there for you!)

Well i must say i am envious of your location, but you must be missing your cars very much ;)

Good luck with your restorations, once you are re-united it would be great to see a build thread! (We love pictures here) :lol:

Look forward to it,

Thom :D

Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:14 pm
by ManyMiniCoopers
Yeah. Great location if your wealthy and can just play around. I'm not in that situation in life yet - spend all my money on minis!!!

I plan to do build threads for the mk2 and the mk1. And maybe just some before and after shots of the pickup as its just a respray.

Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:38 pm
Hi & welcome inhere :)

Jens Christian