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Heater brackets on toe-board...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:03 pm
by sandman
I need to fit the brackets on the toe-board that holds the heater... i.e the two "ears" that you hang the heaterbox on...

Has anyone got the correct placement for these on a Mk1 saloon...??

Re: Heater brackets on toe-board...

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:37 pm
by InimiaD
The pic is from my 67 Woody, so i imagine that the location, dimensions should be the same except perhaps for the earlier MK 1s.


The left hand bracket is 32 mm from the centre of the hole for the L/Hand drive throttle cable.
Measure up to the hanger / ear face of the bracket.
The r/hand bracket is 265 mm from the face of the L/hand bracket, again measured up to the hanger / ear face.
The top of the bracket on the left is directly in line with the throttle cable hole.
Hope you can make sense of it ED. ;)