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daft electrical problem 1962 mini super

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:06 pm
by 814CWE
my 1962 austin super has a mad problem
the fuel and temp gauges all read even when the ignition is off and the wipers and indicators always work,even when the key is out

ive gone through the ignition switch wiring,even changed the switch to no avail

now the live feed to the fuel pumps no longer live

ive found some open,not connected bullet terminals on bulkhead near the wiper motor/bonnet hinge

ones white,ones purple other is purple/green??

the white one and purple show an ignition live feed,

its a bloody pain as sombody has been tampering before..
ill end up fitting a new loom unless sombody can shed a light on the "live all the time" gauges and switches issue..

Re: daft electrical problem 1962 mini super

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:32 pm
by cheleker
Check the wiring at the fuse box against a wiring diagram. Sounds like someone has the "switched" wires hooked up to unswitched power.

Re: daft electrical problem 1962 mini super

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:44 pm
by 814CWE
all seems ok,sir...