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exhausting task

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:20 pm
by 814CWE
the conflicts over what free flow exhaust manifold and systems to fit to my mk1 is doin my skull in

some say a certain manifold clears the rubber couplings,others say they dont......aaaghhhhh :cry:

can sombody tell me for sure the exact manifold to buy and what system mates to it ??

some pics of the fitment and clearance would be nice if anybody has the time....

dont want it knocking on the driveshaft couplings,,its stressful enough already

Re: exhausting task

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:23 am
by greyghost
maniflow 3-1 mandrel bent extractor clears the rubber cross. this is the one i used.
i know this cause I've got one in my 850. you do however have to remove the cross before you can get the exhaust in and there is not much room in there.

Re: exhausting task

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:46 am
by andy1071
My 'old' engine used an ordinary LCB which was 'bashed' to clear the couplings.

-One of the pipes was reduced to 1/2 its diameter. -It still made over 90hp though...

So I don't think it's that critical....
-Actually, I do think exhaust manifolds are important, but I guess I've proved myself wrong? :oops: