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Stitching in a rear boot floor repair section??

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:07 pm
by rolesyboy
Hi All. I am looking for some advice on how to stitch in a rear boot floor repair panel. The panel spans the width of the car and is probably 6 inches deep. What would be the best way of letting this panel in? Do I joddle the edge to fom a lip, stitch weld and then in-fill when cool to avoid distortion? What do you guys then do with the underside? Weld, linish then fill?? I am looking to carry out the repair to a good standard & I have atience by the bucket load!
Any advice welcomed as not tackled this kind of repair before. Thanks in advance. Mark

Re: Stitching in a rear boot floor repair section??

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:22 pm
by 814CWE
butt weld it in..

most people just make a mess of fitting these panels..ive got a few cars,which are older restorations,,that have these fitted

looks like stevie wonder has fitted them,,they make me shudder every time i open up the boot,,

but theres no rust,and have the patina of an older resto,,so i live with them,,,,
for now