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1300GT cam specs

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:43 am
by NZmember
Does anyone know the 1300GT cam timings? Was it the same as the 1275GT or Cooper S?

Re: 1300GT cam specs

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:51 pm
by cookie1071
Quick post to get this back to the top - can anyone help NZmember?

Re: 1300GT cam specs

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:29 pm
by InimiaD
I've dug out my ADO16 Haynes manual and the 12G and 12H 9.71 CR engines with double valve springs have the following valve timings.

Inlet valve;
Opens 5 degrees btdc.
Closes 45 degrees bbdc.

Exhaust valve;
Opens 51 degrees bbdc.
Closes 21 degrees atdc.

I am assuming that because the figures quoted are for double valve spring/ed heads that they would apply to the 1300GT and Vanden Plas type of engine.

Unless, of course, someone on here has more info. :?:

Re: 1300GT cam specs

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:43 pm
by InimiaD
Found some more info.

The above quoted figures are the same as Cooper S engines with 0.21 rocker clearance. :shock:

Re: 1300GT cam specs

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:43 am
by 12G940
The 1300GT cam was the same as std 1300, pre 'A' plus allegro, sprite/midget and early 'S' and more.
This cam is what we termed as the AEG528 even though that number changed to AEG523 we still termed it as a 528.and to make number matters even more confuseing the same cam was first part numbered AEG522 in the 1275 sprite/midget.
This cam number refers to a star drive where as the 'S' was a pin drive which complicates discussions a little more, but that was how we turmed this profile in the 60's when 'we' used it.
Calling this an 'S' cam is true in a sence but I only ever found it in 1071 'S' and it is a 230/252 cam where as most when talking of a standerd spec 'S' cam would invisage the 240/252 duration.
The 528 does responed well with advancement of up to 4 degrease but there after top end disappears.

Re: 1300GT cam specs

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:49 am
by NZmember
Thanks for the info.
No point buying then as it is the same as already fitted. Amazed at how difficult it was to find this info.