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Sawapping rear quarter glass chrome

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:53 am
by rolesyboy
Lifted from a technical talk thread by Mark F.
You dismantle the frame by removing the tiny screws that secure the hinge at both ends. With a bit of careful pulling & prying you can extract the glass from the frame. The rubber seal will either come out of the frame with the glass or not. Either way remove the rubber & place on 1 side. Remove the catch mechanism from the frame. Do this for both windows. Swap the catches to the oposite side & re assemble. DONT try to re fit the entire rubber, it is impossible. Instead, cut 4 1" sections of the rubber & put them on 1 side. Using a tube of sikkaflex squirt a bead of goo all round the frame, refitting the glass with one of the small rubber sections on each edge to position it correctly, if you have got the amount of goo right it will squirt out of the frame / window joint. Re fit the hinde & allow to cure. You can scrape off any excess sikkafle from the glass using a razor blade.

This works great, but don't expect the thing to be strippable again, once its in, its in. My method works well, but maybe someone can recommend a method of re using the original or maybe replacement rubber that means the window remains strippable in the future.

The most difficult part is removing the screws that hold the hinge in, if you break these things can get nasty.


Mark F

Re: Sawapping rear quarter glass chrome

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:45 am
by 66S
A couple of tips to add. The screws are often peined or rivetted on the inside so a carefully Dremel the inside to make the screws easier to remove. A good soaking with penetrating oil a few days before is a good help. The rubber is called "glazing rubber" and should be available from restoration supply shops. It is supplied a little thicker than required and it is stretched to the correct thickness as you wrap it around the glass. It self-vulcanizes on the join.


Re: Sawapping rear quarter glass chrome

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:19 am
by rolesyboy
Nice one Al. Quick question: what do you replace the peined screws/rivets with? Not something I have ever come across but don't know where to start looking. Cheers. Mark