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Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:17 am
by mab01uk
Not mine but posted today on TMF: ... story.html

1970 Blue Mk3 Mini ONA 343H

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:05 pm
by mini5967
Good news, it's been found. :)

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:08 pm
by 814CWE
is it intact,, and/or did they catch the lowlife thieving scum in it??

maybe having a mini outside is like it was in the 1990s when i had a sierra cosworth and the 80s when i had a mk2 escort mexico

even chained down,,they tried nicking them

thats why i sold them

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:17 pm
by mini5967
Intact, bar a broken lock apparently, according to TMF. As for the lowlifes, let's hope so…

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:08 pm
by 814CWE
no other word apart from scum describes these low life

the grief it causes the owners is painful..

i had a mk1 escort 1300gt stolen in 1986 ,and although it was found intact,it never seemed like my car again,,,
it kinda felt "invaded"

i sold it shortly after.

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:45 pm
by georgek
I agree low life scum!!! But good for the owner that it was found so quickly, if I had to leave a classic Mini out on the drive all night I'd be a nervous wreck unless it was fitted with an alarm, steering lock & wheel clamps, and I was keeping watch with a shotgun!!! ;)

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:49 pm
by 814CWE
we have two outside but blocked in with two jags..

no doubt if they wanted em,they would trash the jags ,to move them to get to the minis

scares the crap outa me sometimes

some scumbag tried nicking the white un last year
must have been a bit of a retard
destroyed both sliding window channels,runners etc.ragged paint off both doors

after getting in they proceeded to "hotwire it" by shorting the indicator wires together

hence to say,,they didnt get it goin

anyway the battery was flat..and they didnt return

thieving scum!!!!

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:43 pm
Well here is a "feel good" news clip :twisted:

2 car theives found dead :lol: and the best part, was that they were found several days later :mrgreen:
Police is not shure if they were thrown out, and died ? or crawled out, and died next to the car ?

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:48 pm
by 814CWE
theres no deterrant for any criminal is this country

get into deeper trouble for forgetting to pay council tax by accident than running a drug ring or a car theft clan..

its a real load of boswelox

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:47 pm
by In the shed
Well, at least the thieves could get the V5's on ebay!

Re: Another Mini stolen from driveway........

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:19 pm
by tedmcedd
Glad its been found, Had the Metro broken into last week... tried to nick it, bent door and knackered steering lock... The other half was pretty upset... Rich sorted an Alarm out for us though! sleeping easier!! lol
