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Injection cooper screen washer switch

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:14 pm
by woodypup59
We have a 1995 mini cooper SPI in the workshop.
The wipers work but the washers dont. The motor works if powered at the column connector. There is power coming into the connector. We tried another switch but just the same wipers work but not the washers.
Seems unlikely that 2 switches have the same fault but ............
All suggestions welcome.

Re: Injection cooper screen washer switch

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:16 am
by minibitz
As best I can see it you have established the following -

There is power in the loom up to the switch plug

If you power the live wire to washer pump from the loom plug connector pump works

Is this correct?

If I got this right I can only see two reasons why pump will not work -

Dodgy switch - but as you have tested two of these with same result it seems unlikely

Bad connection in the plugs from switch wires to loom. I have seen the connectors work loose in the plugs and get pushed out of position. Maybe check those?

Re: Injection cooper screen washer switch

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 7:48 am
by woodypup59
Thanks Spider.
Your analysis of my description is correct.
All other function (lights, horn and wipers) on both stalks on both switch assemblies work, just not the washer.
You and I are in agreement that that two switches with the same single fault are unlikely.

So I thank you for your suggestion that the connector block needs looking at in detail and will do that.

Re: Injection cooper screen washer switch

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:55 am
by Peter Laidler
Yes, you do get a bit of corrosion in the switch and wiring connection plugs. Had a similar prob last spring with my later RCSport. Difficult to get to in the female part but a fe pushes in and put made the connections work.

Ironically, when I first got my RCSport, someone told me that the plug-in connectors were prone to corrosion and continuity problems so on day 1, I went under the bonnet, pulled them all apart and dobbed them in silicon grease. Never had a problem since. Alas, didn't think of doing the interior ones......... and that's the one that failed!