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Forum Donations

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:57 pm
by gs.davies
Quite a considerable number of folks have contacted me since I took the forum on with very kind offers of donations to help with the upkeep of the forum.

Whilst I've managed to reduce the running costs (for now), I am funding this myself and I certainly wouldn't discourage anyone from making a donation towards these costs if they wish to.

If there is a surplus over and above running costs or any one-off support costs or licensing etc, I have decided to make those funds available to a charitable cause, most likely whichever charity is nominated with the Blyton Action Day that I know so many of us enjoy attending.

If you'd like to make a donation, you can do so by PayPal at the following address

To reiterate, there is no obligation on anyone to make a donation, I do this for the love of the subject and to keep this resource alive, and I don't intend that there should be any monetisation or profit made.

Many thanks,