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oil temp sender

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:37 pm
by Etienne B.
Hi all,

How does the 27H3496 oil filter head switch work ?
I was wondering whether an oil temp sender couldn't be fitted in place of the pressure switch.

Simple question for you I suppose, but I would appreciate your help.
My car used to have a oil temperature gauge fitted - this is long gone now, and while rebuilding the additional dash I would like to fit one back. Trouble is I cannot find any clear indication in the engine bay of how / where the sender was.


Re: oil temp sender

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:01 pm
by Etienne B.
I was thinking of an electrical sender "of course".
I believe the capillary sender would be too large, and maybe not very adapted to this particular place.

Re: oil temp sender

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:11 pm
by medwaybeat
I think they’re normally fitted to the front of the gearbox, blanked off on the mini, but fitted with the reversing switch on the 1100 & 1300’s etc.

Re: oil temp sender

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:07 pm
by Tim
Etienne B. wrote:Hi all,

How does the 27H3496 oil filter head switch work ?
I was wondering whether an oil temp sender couldn't be fitted in place of the pressure switch.

The switch is not a normal screw in sensor type, its built into the filter head. I don't think you could easily swap it for the temperature sensor.

They are normally fitted into a modified sump plug. I recently saw an ad for a sump plug with a temperature sensor and a magnet built into it. I can't remember where I saw it though.


Re: oil temp sender

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:58 pm
by Ronnie
Hi! Scroll down the page, you will se a picture of a common method of fitting oil temp sensor, have a look. ;) ... ns_car.htm

Re: oil temp sender

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:12 pm
Hi Etienne,

Yes you can fit an electrical type sender unit into the filter head where the old bypass switch was. I've fitted this type to one of our cars. You will have to drill & tap the head to suit (I used Lucas parts), the biggest area to check was that the end of the sender unit does not go through too far & foul the metal plate that the filter element pushes up against! I did remove the plate to make drilling & taping the hole easier & then refitted it. If your wiring loom has the bypass switch warning wire you can use this to control the gauge by extending it from the back of the speedo area to where ever you fit your gauge.


Re: oil temp sender

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:12 pm
by Etienne B.
Hi all,
Thank you for your help, very useful as usual !
To Mike, you describe exactly what I intended to do, including the re-use of the wire - which I shouldn't have on my early S but the the new wiring loom I have just fitted has one, for some reasons ... You also describe my fears regarding the available room for the sender.
To Ronnie, Ah Ah that is an interesting option !!
Thanks again.