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Look at Life - "Against the Clock"

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:09 pm
by mab01uk
"The 1960's 'Look at Life' cameras get a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the world of car rallies."
Commentary by Raymond Baxter:-

Includes glimpses of a few early Minis...
"Extraordinarily quick these Mini cars don't you agree?"
A horse watching the rally Mini flying by nods in agreement @7.00 mins.

(All the 'Look at Life' films are currently being shown on the Talking Pictures TV channel over recent weeks).

Re: Look at Life - "Against the Clock"

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:54 pm
by LMM76C
Thanks for that!
Can't recall where but there was a discussion about "a so-called entry of three blokes in a Humber Estate getting in everyone's way making a film". A description several 1960 RAC rally competitors used.
Not sure whether Jack Kemsley (in his second year as "de facto" Clerk of the Course) seen chairing a meeting with his familiar pipe actually held such large meetings (rather than meeting regional coordinators individually, as was certainly the case later.
Shots of busy helpers printing off results must bring a wry smile to those who competed (the RAC in those days - and much later years too - was infamous for providing virtually no interim information to competitors).
A mere passing reference to the serious problems arising from routing the final run in to Brands all along the A25 in the rush hour, long before M25.
I expect even the horse predicted it all...