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Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:20 pm
by Steve A
Hi, well i now have a nice shiny rolling shell and am about to fit a new wiring loom.
My wiring knowledge is very limited and i have no other mini here to get an idea from so if anyone local to Walsall wants to come and give me a hand and earn some £££ then let me know asap.
Anyhow i have a choice of two new looms both minispares braided mk1 cooper s, 1 is alternator and the other dynamo. I have put the rear loom in place as they are both the same (i hope) but am about to start the front. Without anything to compare i am struggling to know where to route it.
I feel a little out of my depth at the moment and could do with a few wiring pics and a wiring diagram to be honest. I am going to wire it negative earth i think and i want to keep the floor starter as i think this is pretty cool.
Any pics showing where the wiring is routed and where the fuse box and relays go would be great. Also pic of how the wiring goes through to the headlights and indicators.
How is the wiring routed to the speedo housing and the steering column?
As you may have already guessed i need an idiots guide.
Any help greatly appreciated as my project has ground to a halt at the moment.
Thanks Steve

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:01 pm
by mk1
If you are using a Cooper S loom it does not have provision for floor start.

There are a range of wiring diagram here:

Choose the one that most closely resembles your car.

As for routeing it: Start by threading the back of the front loom through the triangular hole in the drivers side inner wing stiffener. If you can spot the brake switch wires these go just forward to the triangular hole, you will also know when to stop feeding it through by the flasher switch wires, these also stay forward of the stiffner. All the stuff forward of this point, headlights, indicators, ingition wiring more or less drop into place. The fuse box & voltage regulator wires go just behind the stiffnerthe loom then goes across the top of the front bulkhead with a large clump of instrument wires dropping into the speedo hole. Next you will come across the knot of wires that connects to the rear loom high up on the passenger side bulkhead, leaving the wires for the wiper motor the last ones to drop into place. It doesn't look or sound like it, but it is actually all pretty straight forward once you start.

I'm afraid I don't have any detailed pictures though.

Hope this helps.


Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:59 pm
by Steve A
Thanks Mark, i've made a start now and having had a good look at it i know i'll get there in the end just may drive you all insane with questions :oops:
1 st one is; as the rear loom cones fron the a post there is a long wire which i presume is for the courtesy light switch? Where is the wire for the drivers side switch and where does it route from?
Thanks again Steve

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:14 pm
I think the long wire you have will be the drivers side door switch wire. It runs across the dash to the drivers side and then through the grommet in the door post then to the light switch. I think it's a purple and white wire ?

If I am wrong, some one will say other wise.

If you are unsure of some wires positions note what colour they are when asking you questions, it might help.

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:54 pm
by Steve A
Re. floor start, its the dim dipswitch for the headlights just to prove what a lost cause i am :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:30 pm
to correct my last post
The purple/white wire runs across the roof above the screen and down the roof pillar to the light switch.
It's the mk3 that it runs across the dash. :roll:

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:28 pm
by pad4
I sat down with the loom on the table and a wiring diagram, made my self familiar with every wire / connector etc and its as easy as scratching your nuts.

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:46 am
by Steve A
Hi, not had much time to play but had another go tonight and everything is falling into place i think.
I have started fitting the mk1 s loom built for an alternator as i will be fitting a few mod cons :roll:
How do i tell if the loom is for an inertia type starter which will be fitted to mine or a pre-engaged starter? or can it be either or?
Thanks Steve

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:07 pm
by cheleker
Your first clue will be the wire length. The wires to the starter solenoid will be only long enough to reach the separate solenoid that goes with the inertia starter.

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:15 am
by Steve A
I think the loom i have is for a pre enganged starter as i thought the wires for the inetrtia type ie. to the solonoid branch off just after the loom comes through the gusset on the bulkhead where the brake sensor switch wires branch off? There are 3 wires branching off here 2 green and a brown i think but they are quite short so not sure what they are to?
I have just compared the loom with the spare dynamo loom i have and towards the end of the loom where the starte wires branch off the dynamo loom has two brown and 1 white and red all with large spade connectors but the alternator loom has one brown with a spade connector one red and white with a spade terminal two brown and blue which join in 1 spade terminal and two brown which join in like an earth terminal or loop terminal? I hope this makes sense to someone and they can tell me if the alternator loom can be used with an inertia type starter or if it has to be used with a pre engaged type which i fear may be the case, regards Steve

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:12 pm
by Steve A
A little help needed as most of the loom is coming together.
Apart from the length of the cable will the wiring be the same for a pre engaged starter as for an inertia type ie. will my loom do either? Regards Steve

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:44 pm
by doctor jon
Steve, the loom is for an inertia starter. All the brown and brown/blue wires go to one side of the solenoid, the starter connects to the other side and the white/red wire goes to its own terminal. The three other wires (two green and light green/brown) are for the flasher unit.

Re: Fitting new wiring loom

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:00 pm
by Steve A
Thanks :D