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Distributor : 45D spindle into 25D body?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:33 pm
by carbon
Not sure if I should call this spindle or shaft - the steel bits that turn including the advance weights and cam. Anyway it looks like the later 45D shaft is a possible drop in replacement for the 25D shaft, it goes into the 25D body and I can still use the 25D rotor arm.
Would like to know if anyone else has done this and if there is anything to watch out for?

Re: Distributor : 45D spindle into 25D body?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:29 am
by Tulka
Possible to do. Many years ago I tried and if memory is correct it needed some extra shims. Think it gives less time to load condenser,so unsure if there is any benefit.


edit;To clarify; I am talking about changing the complete rotating assembly.Not just the top part.