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Front hub bearing for Cooper 7" disc

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 5:15 am
by Tedwong
Want to replace the front hub bearing for my 998 Cooper disc setup(small cv joint).
Can I use Timken taper bearing(GHK1140) or I should use ball bearing(GHK1018)?
Also, while putting the 7" disc/drive flange back on the hub, its very difficult! It seems the drive flange got a very tight fit with the bearing, is it normal?
Many thanks

Re: Front hub bearing for Cooper 7" disc

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:53 am
by 970s
:roll: :oops:
997 COoper Drive flange is different from S 10" flange , as well as the disc, bearing hubs are different too, so they are not interchangable! As I remember, maybe I am wrong, anyone has advise ?
Better to change the whole hubs, flange, disc bearings assembly!


Re: Front hub bearing for Cooper 7" disc

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:40 am
by Tedwong
Can someone help with this issue? Cooper experts? Rich? :oops:

Re: Front hub bearing for Cooper 7" disc

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:19 pm
by ace01
The bearing hub is the same Cooper and S. Taper bearings will fit in a Cooper set up with the Cooper drive flange. Don't forget the thrust (?) spacer behind the drive flange. :)

Re: Front hub bearing for Cooper 7" disc

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:13 am
by Tedwong
Hi, thanks for the advice. Now end up using the old type ball bearing, as I only got in hand. But I should have ask earlier :oops: .
When I did the other side, with everything torque up nice and split pin bent, the spacer you mentioned found on ground! :cry: So, everything back to zero.
The tight drive flange is sorted with some wet and dry paper to smooth the rust out.
Thanks again!