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New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 6:16 pm
by mk1coopers
What's everyone's thoughts on the restructuring of the costs / renaming of the licences that have just rolled out ?, after 25 years of having one (using it less and less these days) I'm not sure if I'm going to renew mine next year ... -licences/
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:59 pm
by surfblue63
I guess a lot of motor club members will wonder why they need a licence when all they do is compete in their own club events, but at least the RS Clubman licence is free for the casual road/historic rally competitor.
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 8:52 pm
by davidnutland
Come on Mark buy a licence and get the car out this coming season, we need you in the 1400 road car class at Gurston it is just me and an MG Midget at the moment.
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:21 am
by mk1
TBH, I am having problems making head or tail from the new regs. I hope that when I do come to renew all is a bit clearer.
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:53 pm
by mk1coopers
davidnutland wrote:Come on Mark buy a licence and get the car out this coming season, we need you in the 1400 road car class at Gurston it is just me and an MG Midget at the moment.
At least I'd be 3rd in class every time

Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 2:12 pm
by IslandBlue
surfblue63 wrote:I guess a lot of motor club members will wonder why they need a licence when all they do is compete in their own club events, but at least the RS Clubman licence is free for the casual road/historic rally competitor.
I get the impression that the licence required for inter-club events will still cost money, although 15 minutes on the MSA (sorry, Motorsport UK) website has left me little the wiser....
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:33 pm
by surfblue63
It depends on the Event Status as defined in the events Supplementary Regulations. As an example, Niall runs the Borders as a Clubmans Event, so an RS Clubman licence would be the requirement.
Just refer to the attached table to see what is the minimum licence required for each type of event. ... 2020-1.pdf
Motorsport Licences.jpg
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:37 pm
by finchy533
I'm not really sure what the renaming is all about, but the short answer for most people is that a National B is now an RS Inter Club and has gone up by about 10 quid. To be honest, the moaning I've seen about the price increase makes no sense to me - a tenner is a very, very small part of the overall budget for even a handful of the cheapest events that require that type of licence.
The new RS Clubman licence is free and is required for events that were previously no licence, i.e. clubman permit or permit-waiver. I don't know why they've tried to sell it as making events more accessible - it seems fairly obvious it's actually about insurance/liability/accountability, and therefore simply an inevitability in the modern world. If they'd just been honest instead of trying to put a positive spin on it there would be less fuss.
Edited to add - having now followed the link in the OP, that really is a right mess of information (including a link to the 2019 application form!). The renewal form/booklet I had in the post a few days ago was much clearer. The price rise is also a bit more than a tenner too (I was comparing last year's Nat B stage rally to the new equivalent of a Nat B non-race), but I think my point still stands.
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:49 pm
by Oneball
I really don’t understand what the new management is trying to do. Last year they got rid of the Union Jack from the licenses now this drivel. I just don’t get it.
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 1:34 pm
by IslandBlue
surfblue63 wrote:It depends on the Event Status as defined in the events Supplementary Regulations. As an example, Niall runs the Borders as a Clubmans Event, so an RS Clubman licence would be the requirement.
Just refer to the attached table to see what is the minimum licence required for each type of event. ... 2020-1.pdf
I'm not so sure, I think the Borders is an Interclub event in which case would presumably require an Interclub licence (which the free RS Clubman is not). Got my renewal notice at home but not opened it yet...
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:59 pm
by surfblue63
IslandBlue wrote:
I'm not so sure, I think the Borders is an Interclub event in which case would presumably require an Interclub licence (which the free RS Clubman is not). Got my renewal notice at home but not opened it yet...
Borders is a Clubmans event. I have just checked the 2019 and 2017 event regs.
NBR 2019 Status.jpg
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 6:00 pm
by cookie1071
Yeh, not more than 15 invited clubs so event status is Clubmans and RS Clubmans (free one) required next time around.

Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 7:30 pm
by IslandBlue
cookie1071 wrote:Yeh, not more than 15 invited clubs so event status is Clubmans and RS Clubmans (free one) required next time around.

Good news then!
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:38 am
by YMJ
Nat A race licence £101 last year, £155 this year. For what?
I have always been puzzled by the MSA's interpretation of the sport, especially when we get our monthly mag/newsletter....
...The only reason we ever used to even open it was to turn immediately to the Judicial Section to read the salacious reports on how one junior kart driver's father called another junior kart drivers father a "fucking cheating bastard" and proceeded to hit him over the head with a ratchet spanner until the other guys wife ran him over with their £300,000 luxury motorhome....however nowadays the names have been removed for GDPR purposes and those reports are no fun anymore.
Another thing that tickled me was how they tried to create a general atmosphere of "we're all in this sport together" with photos of Jenson and Lewis happily rubbing shoulders with Bert Grundy from the Historic Sporting Trials Association at some obscure Awards night that it was painfully obvious that J and L couldn't-wait-to-get-out-of-there-quickly-enough.
Then there'd be the regular article on how-to-get-involved-in-motorsport-without-breaking-the bank, only to be informed that this is quite possible but only if you'd like to stand all day in 30degC heat in orange fireproof overalls being insulted by petulant 17 year-olds in Formula Brat that had just run out of talent. Still cannot believe these guys do it for fun. I was once mocked by my mates for ‘waving to the crowd’ after finishing 12th...I was actually thanking the Marshals!!!
And another thing was reading (for once) an article that was actually relevant to your angle, say a change in fire extinguisher regulations, etc...only to be told that the new regs that require the pipe diameter to be upped from 6 to 8mm is going to cost you the best part of a grand and a half. On the opposite page lurks a cynically placed full-page advert from Fire Systems Inc. that cheerily inform you that there's a 10% discount on your new mandatory system if you "quote this code!".
No...bollocks to the lot of them. I'm off and the car's up for sale. It's the HSTA for me from now on, in the 1962 Cannon. Yes it's an old man's sport but no more crushing disappointment at every turn for me from now on. The worst that can happen at a Trial is the burger van running out of black pudding in the All-day breakfast
Re: New race licence costs and structure
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:02 am
by mk1coopers
Interesting to get this email from Brighton and Hove saying they are thinking of re-classifying the Speed Trials due to the amount of Members saying that they are not going to continue with A grade licences
Motorsport UK have increased the cost of the competitor licences by over 50% for 2020.
In previous years we have run a Club Handicap (for B&HMC members) and a National B licence was needed for this and 13 Classes for which the competitors needed a National A licence.
Due to the massive increase in licence fees a lot of competitors have stated that they will not renew their National A Licence (as it has gone up by around £70) and revert to the new National B equivalent the Interclub licence
We could run the whole of the Speed Trials as an Interclub event which would mean that we would no longer have a club handicap but those competitors would now run in the classes. This would mean that everyone would get three runs and we would have to fit in approximately another 45 runs within the time we have which could be a challenge.