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Early Morris Grill

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:07 pm
by Catweazle

is the shape of an orig. 1959 exactly the same with a 1961 chromed one ? So it could be possible to remove the chrome material form the later one and paint it in old english white as a replacement for my 1959. What do yo think about this ?

Best regards

Re: Early Morris Grill

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:53 pm
by olddad
There really wouldn't be a need to remove the chrome if you powder coated instead of painting. Any pits in the metal have to be filled with J-B Weld (original only) and smoothed out. There seem to be pits in the slats of all the used grills whether they were chrome or painted.

I'm powder coating a previously chromed grill for my '59 when I finish sanding the pitted slats. Filling with J-B Weld or filling with epoxy body filler is much the same amout of work. Bead blasting didn't get rid of any of the tiny pitting. Getting the wheels and switch plate done at the same time.

Re: Early Morris Grill

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:27 pm
by minitravellerman
The chrome on the grille I have fitted to my '62 was badly pitted so I simply rubbed it down and built up a few layer of primer to get a smooth finish before hitting it with a few coats of OE White.

Came up looking first class.

Re: Early Morris Grill

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:56 am
by mk1
The chrome on the grille I have fitted to my '62 was badly pitted so I simply rubbed it down and built up a few layer of primer to get a smooth finish before hitting it with a few coats of OE White.

Came up looking first class.