Untill when have the 'flat' float bowl lids been used on Minis? I recently aquired a box full of old carbs. Amongst them were two with the 'flat' lids. I wonder how long they have been fitted?
And has anyone got any good ideas of how to seal a (plastic) float? I'd usually just use another, but I want to use the early type with the adjustable metal strap. Of which I only got two. And they'r going into a twin-carb setup. It's not split open yet, but it's started to crack and I want to be one the safe side of things.
PS: If anybody has a spare lid for sale like the dirty one on the picture. Let me know
Perhaps attached to a healthy metal-strap-type float?
You can't have too many cars. Just too little space...
The earlier tops were the ones without the ridge around the edge, they seem to have finished in the mid 60's.
As far as fixing a plastic float is concerned, if you HAVE to do it I would suggest taking the leaky float drilling 2 holes in it one about 8mm dia the other about 3mm & injecting the float with the type of "Squirty Polyeurathane foam" that is sold by builders merchants. Squirt it in ensuring it completely fills the float & let it dry thoroughly before giving it a try. The Polyeurathane is fuel proof so this fix should last a good long time.
Yes, interessting, isn't it? You don't want to know how long it took me to find a carb that was the same as my RH carb... I've given up to count all the differences...
@Ronnie: Yes. After a bit more thought - I'm looking for a 'new' float. Thanks forthe input!
You can't have too many cars. Just too little space...