C-AEG365 vs. C-AEG376
"Normal" vs. "Stage II with a larger centre pipe"
Has anybody used this version and can make a comment about
"Standard LCB" vs. "Stage II"?
Has anybody seen any figures to back up this statement for the "376" version?MiniSpares Website wrote:thus producing an improved BHP,Torque and power curve.
On a previous engine spec 1380cc, 286 Scatter, 1.5, 1.463"/1.218", 11:1, HS6, Howley, K&N, etc
the LARGE bore that I had run for several years gave significantly LESS bottom end than
the medium that replaced it.
The engine has grown to 1480cc, with a 276 cam replacing the 286 Scatter...
... I don't want to take a step backwards with bottom end torque!