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competition department back plate

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:16 pm
by dutchacme
In the exiting thread on the discovery of GRX55D, recently a photo of the disassembled 970 engine with which the car was sold by Johnny Organ was shown. Of interest is the modified back plate in the right hand side of the photo, it shows machined circular rings, for improved cooling ?

Would the works engine experts happen to know whether this was a typical modification for works back plates ?


I have a back plate modidifed in a similar way.


Re: competition back plate

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:40 pm
by mk1
This was a common modification to back plates for many years, Although it may help cooling I believe it was more to do with saving weight without loosing strength. It has fallen out of favour over the last 2o or so years, but I suspect that this has more to do with the supply of light backplates made out of decent steel to begin with.