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Fiber-washers for H4 carbs....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:56 pm
by sandman
I've been having some problems getting the float lid banjo bolt to seal proper on some H4 carbs. I tried with new fiber-washers but that didnt help a bit.. in the end i got it to seal proper by using another bolt and some used fiber-washers.

This got me thinking... is there a "proper way" to prepare the fiber-washers prior to installation or are they good to go straight from Burlen.... (..and in that case - must have been the banjo boolt that was at fault..?)

Re: Fiber-washers for H4 carbs....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:26 am
on my dads old cars (and the entire gasket set on my old Bedford coach (which had shrunk with age))

we soak them in water for a little while to soften them a little, then assemble the thing and let them dry, as they dry they take the shape of the gasket surface.

this wont work with the really hard washers, but the softer ones work fine