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Remote Dogbox questions.....
Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 2:01 pm
by Oldskoolbaby
Im currently looking for a remote gearbox to rebuild using a dog engagement gearset. At this stage I'm not really after an S 'box so what alternatives could I use? I'm not too clued up with Remote boxes in all honesty. Could I use a 3 syncro? Or is there anything I should strongly avoid? Any help would be great guys.
Re: Remote Dogbox questions.....
Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 2:50 pm
just use any of the 4 sync remote cases
the elf box is a little thicker around the diff area, so might need more grinding out to clear the lsd (or at least the last one I did needed loads more than an 1128)
ive just rebuilt a jkd dog box that's in a 1128 remote box and ive got another to do that's going to go into an elf case.
the one in my race car is in a 1128 and it built beautifully (a swifty one)
I think you will really struggle to find a 3 sync remote kit that was worth using nowadays
Re: Remote Dogbox questions.....
Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 4:44 pm
by Oldskoolbaby
Thanks Rich. I'll keep a look out for everything other than 3 sync boxes then.
Re: Remote Dogbox questions.....
Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:06 pm
by CooperTune
Not to hi jack your thread but I have a NOS Jack Knight involute dog box gear kit. My customer bought it not knowing it's a UK standing start kit and we take the green at 50 mph over here. I think it may have fallen off the for sale front page. A 1128 box would be a proper home for these. Steve (CTR)
Re: Remote Dogbox questions.....
Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 7:14 pm
by Oldskoolbaby
I just fully refurbed a JK gearset I got off here only a few weeks back. Just need a box for it all to go in! Haha