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Hydrolastic Pipes

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:30 pm
by jl46
Hello All,
I am restoring a '66 MCS.
I need to replace the Hydrolastic Pipes. I understand that these parts,
(21A1575 and 21A1577) are available but made with KUNIFER (copper nickel). This sounds like the logical choice for my restoration.

However, just out of curiosity, is anyone making sets in the original steel?
What do the Concours Restoration shops use ? How do the "concours experts" feel about using the Kunifer in place of the original steel ?

Thanks for your advise on this subject.


Re: Hydrolastic Pipes

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:46 pm
by NicholasUpton
In the resto shop we make our own using the original ends cleaned and plated, with new steel line as that was OE, in the repair part of the business we use the KUNIFER as it is easier and faster to work with.

Re: Hydrolastic Pipes

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 11:01 pm
by jl46
Hi Nick,
Thanks, we are going with the KUNIFER for now.
