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Trimming a hydro car

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 7:45 pm
by Dr S
Redshed now has a full compliment of displacers and is back at proper ride height. As ever she sits somewhat nose down.

I've used the spacer knuckle joints to bring it up a touch next step is to shorten the actuating arms at the rear. Any idea how much to cut them down by? Hoping to lose about 2'' of height at the back.

I'm integued as to whether it's possible to effectively create a Hilo by shortening the rod and inserting some threaded bar with a pair of thin nuts to allow trimming on the car. Anyone tried it?

The suspension set up is wet. About stock ride height, negative camber at the front and adjustable bits all round to get it straight. Front shock conversion and hydro stops all round. Used for general hooning in the lakes so compliance and control are what's needed :-)

Re: Trimming a hydro car

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:00 pm
by anis
The ratio is 0.2.
You need to cut 0.2 times what you actually want to reduce the ride height.
i like your idea of the hydro Hilo. i will have a look at it.

Re: Trimming a hydro car

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:09 pm
in the past I have machined the bars down and trimmed the car with washers

if its sat so high at the back it could be that the pressure is to high?

Re: Trimming a hydro car

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:26 pm
by Dr S
Hi rich,

I don't think the pressure is too high it's not far off how it should sit my preference would be to get about three or four fingers at the front and a similar amount at the back. That's sitting about 12''ish of trim at the front

Re: Trimming a hydro car

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:16 am
by 66S
I found a variation in the standard rear strut lengths, year to year. I machined mine to 9.392", then added spacers (.117") to get the ride height I wanted. This came to an overall length of 9.409" . Hope this helps.
