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horn question

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:54 pm
by matic
hi sirs,
i have not visited for this mk1 forum for a while. however, hope you are all having a good time.

by the way, i have a question how to wire the horn relay with original mk1 wiring room (super deluxe wiring room with electronic water tem). i have tried to connect the wire (purple from fuse - straight power from brown wire from battery and purple/black as connected to brown/black from mk1 indicator switch (reproduction). the horn is working but in my idea, the purple/black wire should be a ground from the horn push at the steering wheel and it should not have power coming throught but when i use a light tester to check the power on purple/black wire. the light is on. it means the power leaks from purple wire to purple/black wire. i tried to use relay to act as cut-out but the result is the same.

have any one used to have the same problem? and how to fix it?

really appreciated and thank you so much

warm regards

Re: horn question

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:07 pm
by Lakeland997
Ink, at what point are you testing the purple/black cable?
It will be 'live' all the way from the horn to the column when the horn button isn't pressed.
Only when you press the horn button does it effectively become an earthing cable.

The clue is in the colour scheme that is purple indicating it will be sometimes 'live' and black indicating sometimes earth.


Re: horn question

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:51 am
by matic
hi andy
thank you so much
i tried the test the purple with black strip wire because i would like to make sure that there is no power leak. as you mentioned, that wire is live all time, so that it make me unsure i did it correct or not.

one more question, if i would like to put the relay for horn, where should the purple/black wire go to? at ground relay or at ground horn?

warm regards

Re: horn question

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:11 pm
by Lakeland997

Re: horn question

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:27 pm
by matic
hi andy
thank you so much and really appreciated
warm regards