Smokin' Joe Frazier - Burning oil

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Re: Smokin' Joe Frazier - Burning oil

Post by Smiffy »

How can anyone take that video seriously, one and a half thirty-seconds of a inch :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Smokin' Joe Frazier - Burning oil

Post by Benny »

Just a quick update on this one. I pulled the exhaust manifold last night, and found the #1 exhaust port bone dry, while the #2 and #3 were gooey wet. I realized the fueling issues wouldn't explain this, so I pulled the head.

Once I had it off, I was able to determine that the #1 exhaust valve (the dry one) had a stem seal on it, while the other three did not. I called the machine shop today, and spoke to the owner, and he seemed pretty disappointed that I had gone out that way. The head is going back this afternoon for some rework.
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Re: Smokin' Joe Frazier - Burning oil

Post by Benny »

Just wanted to close the loop on this one. The head went back to the machine shop to be evaluated. The main culprit was that the shop had failed to notice the guides were not properly machined to retain the factory valve stem seals, so once the engine had been running for a while, half of the seals had popped off, and were riding up and down on the valve stems....probably working like little oil pumps.

The more frustrating part was that the shop acknowledged the guides may have been borderline the first time around, but they had "tried to do me a favor" by not replacing them. This probably would have been fine if the seals had stayed in place, but since they didn't, I was running marginal guides with no seals.

The head is back on now, and the "crop dusting" has stopped. The blessing in disguise here is that I discovered the excessively high float level, and high fuel pressure during the course of this episode. The car is now running better than it ever has.

Thanks all for the suggestions, and ideas.
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Re: Smokin' Joe Frazier - Burning oil

Post by InimiaD »

Good news all round. Now get out there and enjoy. :D ;)
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Re: Smokin' Joe Frazier - Burning oil

Post by minimans »

nice one! As an aside if it had just the little 'O' ring seals these do in fact ride up and down with the valve acting like little umbrellas to stop oil running down the valve stem! if it had positive lock seals fitted then yes they should have been firmly locked to the guide.
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Re: Smokin' Joe Frazier - Burning oil

Post by Benny »

minimans wrote:nice one! As an aside if it had just the little 'O' ring seals these do in fact ride up and down with the valve acting like little umbrellas to stop oil running down the valve stem! if it had positive lock seals fitted then yes they should have been firmly locked to the guide.
No, it had the positive lock seals, and they were going along for the ride.
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